Rubio, Trump, and Fathers’ Day – Tom’s Mass and Catholic Youth

Bill, Jay, and I were celebrating their identical August birthday dates at the Roasting Company – on a warm, clear but semi-dirty air day.


“Bill said you wrote Rubio a Father’s Day letter?” Jay asked.

“I did, and submitted it to the Miami paper and Buzzfeed. Miami Herald didn’t pick it up but it is at BuzzFeed.”

“What did you advise him?” Jay continued.

“Look at the BuzzFeed link. Advices number 1 – 5 are still very valid and relevant; only Advice #6  (Run, Marco, run) is now outdated – he’s running.”

“But Trump may take him down,” Bill said.

“Yes, hopefully. Patrick Murphy, currently in the House  representing Florida 18, is coming on strong.”

“If Rubio takes your advice, he might win,” Jay said.

“I hope not,” Bill added. “For all the reasons in State Change.”

“He’s unlikely to take my advice,” I said. “He’s too young, naive, arrogant – unless one of his kids sees the letter and really gets to him.”

“Or Jeanette,” Bill said.

“Yes, or Jeanette.”

We sipped our coffees and tea (Jay) silently for a few minutes.

“Did you get to Tom’s memorial Mass?” Bill asked. “I didn’t.”

“Yes, it was at St. Ambrose’s – a beautiful church with an incredible organ and sound system.”

“I thought you didn’t like organ music,” Jay said.

“Normally not, but this sound was really incredible, majestic, spiritual. The priests mentioned Tom towards the end – they recognized several people, as well as Tom. Carrie told me they’ll have a memorial – recognition – event later in the year. I’ll keep you posted.”

“And did you hear about the new Pope Francis High School – in Springfield, Mass?” Bill asked. “Two existing schools merged – the students recommended the new name. Some of the older parishioners were very critical, according to the USA Today story, today.”

“As long as the kids – the youth – get it, we may muddle through the mess created by all those adults – even Catholic youth,” Jay said.

“Why not a letter to the school paper, encouraging the kids to read State Change, and its take on Francis and the Encyclical?”

“I’m on it,” I said.

“Cheers,” Jay said. We finished our drinks, toasting Tom, Pope Francis, and Springfield’s Catholic youth.

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