Democracy, Fascism, Trump – and Evil

Diana and I were back in Portland, with Lucien, Peter, Saul, and family – trying to avoid talking politics. I have been working in the Reed College Library, where so much of State Change was written more than a year ago. Lucien, Peter, and I had a lunch discussion in the Reed Student Commons.


“Did you see that full page ad, in today’s Times?” Peter asked.

“Not yet, go on,” I said.

“It’s by a group called , arguing for a month of resistance, ‘reaching a crescendo by the Jan.20, 2017 Inauguration’.”

“Who’s behind it?”

“A few names I recognize: Cornell West, Bill Ayers, Alice Walker. It doesn’t seem to be connected with the Women’s March.”

“There’s been a lot on the web,” Lucien added, “saying don’t rationalize or give Trump the benefit of the doubt, don’t cooperate, don’t back off – protest, make noise, get involved.”

“Remember the poster on the door at Mississippi Pizza the other night?” I asked. “It defined the place as a safe house, a safe place – inclusive and welcoming all.”

“Yes, that’s going on all over Portland,” Peter added.

“And Seattle – all along the West Coast.”

“And Jerry Brown’s taken a very strong position on rights and the environment – California will ignore Federal actions against the environment and human rights.”

“The good news is Trump’s no Hitler,” I suggested. “Hitler wrote a real book, had a real philosophy, had a vision and plan – albeit demented and evil.”

“Didn’t Brooks have a good take on Trump the other day?” Lucien asked.

“Yes,” I said. “I captured his quotes – just a second.” I opened my new rose pink 2 pound MacBook and read:

“[Trump] has no experience being accountable to anybody. …His statements should probably be treated less like policy declarations and more like Snapchat. They exist to win attention at the moment, but then they disappear.”

“Hitler wasn’t accountable to anyone either – if someone got in his way, he just eliminated them,” Peter said.

“He could’ve been taken out,” I said. “I just read a book titled To Kill the Devil – on the many attempts to assassinate Hitler. He had several very close calls.”

“His death would have changed history in a very positive direction,” Peter said.

“Death is a very effective means,” I suggested, “if it’s accomplished early enough that the victim doesn’t become a martyr.”

“If the death is perceived as ‘accidental’ rather than as an assassination, then martyrdom is an unlikely outcome.”

We all nodded in agreement.

Lucien had to go to his soccer game. Peter and I walked through the Chemistry Building, looking for the box of chemical waste he deposited on the second floor now some 18 months ago. It was gone.

I went back to the library – there was work to do.




Treating Trump? State Change II?

We needed to talk. We needed self-therapy. Jay was depressed. Bill was despondent. I was in tears thinking of my granddaughters and the billions of others who would need to survive on an increasingly destroyed planet.

Diana and I were in Monterey for several weeks, escaping Salt Lake City’s cold and its winter air inversions and polluted air. Thanks, gods, for Skype.

Bill and Jay were at the Roasting Company, in a second floor secluded corner. I was in a corner of Book Works Cafe in Pacific Grove. We decided earlier to give Trump the benefit of our doubts – for a few weeks. That time was now over.


“It’s all over the Net now,” Bill started. “Tillerson is the international oil dealmaker par excellence – and knows Putin well. As Trump’s new Secretary of State he could lift the economic sanctions on Russia, allowing a whole new level of deals for Siberian oil.”

“And thus for creaming the planet,” Jay groaned. “… our worst fears – the worst scenario imaginable.”

“Yes, horrible for the planet – both physically and humanistically,” I added. “Cheap Siberian oil, with the backing of Russia and the USA, could flood the market, economically devastating the Middle East, Nigeria, and Canada.”

“And the Secretary of State orchestrates the whole transformation – from deals to production, sales, and economic devastation.”

“A new world order,” Bill said. “Exactly what Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bolton, and Bush wanted – but via oil rather than war.”

“Dollars for ISIS and Al Qaeda dry up. Saudi Arabia goes under – or gets transformed via a new Arab ‘Spring’ – also Iran.”

“Another Nobel Peace Prize!” Jay noted.

“Not a bad plan,” I smiled, “were it not for the death of the Planet as a side effect.”

“But as global warming isn’t really real, it isn’t a concern for climate deniers and agnostics – certainly not for Trump, Putin, or even Tillerson.”

“The melting of the tundra, the massive release of ancient trapped methane, the leaks and fires due to tundra-disrupted oil pipelines – all collateral damage on the way to a new world order, controlled by powerful white guys, of European ancestry.”

“Hitler would have loved it, assuming Germany’s chemical industry played a leading role.”

We looked at each other, via Skype.

“I’m not sure Ananda’s Chocolates are up to the task,” Bill offered. “We tried that – and many of those we treated are back, their old ideologies and prejudices intact.”

“Agreed. We have to use more effective, more permanent, means – but perhaps we can use Ananda’s approach as a ‘cover’,” I suggested. “Not MDMA; something more powerful, more effective.”

“You do mean lethal, don’t you?” Jay asked. “Assassination?”

“That’s real exorcising of evil,” Bill smiled, “but without drones.”

“And it shouldn’t be instantaneous. It should play out over several days, perhaps appear like a bad pathogen,” Jay suggested. “That way there might be publicity, incitement of fear, concern for God’s wrath, etc.”

“Diana and I saw another Sherlock Holmes video the other night, where he was apparently afflicted with Sumatran River Virus – death in three days.”

“Viral chocolates, with a little LSD thrown in – to facilitate visions, hallucinations.”

“I think we have a plan,” I concluded. “Treating Trump – Exorcizing Evil.”



Trump 2016 Election: State Change now even more important

The harmless team was at The Roasting Company – doing our 2016 election mourning over good coffee.

“Jesus, I’m depressed,” Bill said.

“There’s no question I am,” Jay said. “I even considered fully losing it early this morning.”

“Remember those last pages of State Change,” I cautioned. “Those who are old and ready, and those who are considering checking out, can have an especially important set of opportunities. They can go way beyond distributing Ananda’s Chocolates to our entire hit list – our 29 ideologues. Most were reelected.”

“You mean really take them out, don’t you?” Jay asked. “Or at least make them undesirable for further service.”

“Why not? All they’ll do in Congress is do more damage. They’ll make many others suffer for their distorted ideologies.”

“We could just plant some illegal drugs on them,” Bill suggested.

“That might do it. Or do – or get done – some serious investigative reporting exposing their financial connections and other shenanigans.”

“Most of them – especially Gowdy and Chaffetz – love conspiracy theories and witch hunts. We could give them a taste of their own tactics – develop some paranoid fantasies in them.”

“I thought State Change would be somewhat obsolete after this election, because Hillary would make it, we’d likely take the Senate, the Supreme Court would be modernized, and the state would begin to change,” I said.

“So much for wishful thinking,” Jay said. “There was a piece in The Guardian this morning, by Thomas Frank, …”

“The guy who wrote ‘What’s the Matter with Kansas‘, right?” Bill asked.

“Yep, and he has a new one Listen Liberal; the piece in the paper is like Liberals put Trump in the White House.”


“Anyway, State Change is even more important and valuable now that Trump will soon be thrashing around in the White House,” I said.

“My Australian and Canadian friends are incredulous,” Bill said.

“I’ve started to add overseas audiences to my Tweet destinations now, because Europe is so concerned. A major Madrid paper, El Paix, had columns today titled The Crazy is in Charge of the Asylum – and another The Suicide of Democracy.”

“It’s time to up the action,” Bill said.

“I think so,” said Jay. “I’m ready for some serious activism.”

“Let’s think this through and meet again right after Thanksgiving.”



Rubio, Trump, and Fathers’ Day – Tom’s Mass and Catholic Youth

Bill, Jay, and I were celebrating their identical August birthday dates at the Roasting Company – on a warm, clear but semi-dirty air day.


“Bill said you wrote Rubio a Father’s Day letter?” Jay asked.

“I did, and submitted it to the Miami paper and Buzzfeed. Miami Herald didn’t pick it up but it is at BuzzFeed.”

“What did you advise him?” Jay continued.

“Look at the BuzzFeed link. Advices number 1 – 5 are still very valid and relevant; only Advice #6  (Run, Marco, run) is now outdated – he’s running.”

“But Trump may take him down,” Bill said.

“Yes, hopefully. Patrick Murphy, currently in the House  representing Florida 18, is coming on strong.”

“If Rubio takes your advice, he might win,” Jay said.

“I hope not,” Bill added. “For all the reasons in State Change.”

“He’s unlikely to take my advice,” I said. “He’s too young, naive, arrogant – unless one of his kids sees the letter and really gets to him.”

“Or Jeanette,” Bill said.

“Yes, or Jeanette.”

We sipped our coffees and tea (Jay) silently for a few minutes.

“Did you get to Tom’s memorial Mass?” Bill asked. “I didn’t.”

“Yes, it was at St. Ambrose’s – a beautiful church with an incredible organ and sound system.”

“I thought you didn’t like organ music,” Jay said.

“Normally not, but this sound was really incredible, majestic, spiritual. The priests mentioned Tom towards the end – they recognized several people, as well as Tom. Carrie told me they’ll have a memorial – recognition – event later in the year. I’ll keep you posted.”

“And did you hear about the new Pope Francis High School – in Springfield, Mass?” Bill asked. “Two existing schools merged – the students recommended the new name. Some of the older parishioners were very critical, according to the USA Today story, today.”

“As long as the kids – the youth – get it, we may muddle through the mess created by all those adults – even Catholic youth,” Jay said.

“Why not a letter to the school paper, encouraging the kids to read State Change, and its take on Francis and the Encyclical?”

“I’m on it,” I said.

“Cheers,” Jay said. We finished our drinks, toasting Tom, Pope Francis, and Springfield’s Catholic youth.

Manzanita, Neahkahnee, and Arthur Koestler

July 21, Manzanita – during and after Neahkahnee hike – and Arthur Koestler

Peter, Lucien, and I were in Manzanita for the annual family gathering. The weather was perfect – sunny, low 70’s, very light wind. This place and time is not conducive to thinking about global warming and planetary perils!

While in Portland I experienced one of the better cannabis medicinal shops – Farma on Hawthorne. I bought an oil salve for my bruised toe – the victim of a dropped wine bottle a week earlier.

Peter and Lucien did their vap experiments. I did, too – and this time did feel a bit giddy.


“What’s that large black book you’ve been reading?” Peter asked.

“One I should have read and used a long time ago. I should have referred to it in State Change,” I said. “It’s Janus – A Summing Up, a sort of final autobiography by Arthur Koestler, from 1978.”

“So,” Lucien asked. “Who’s he?”

“Very interesting thinker – in the Aldous Huxley mold. He became a sort of neuro-biologist and was very interested in the evolution of the brain – in why we have a phenomenal neocortex that’s often over-ruled by our primitive reptilian emotional impulses.”

“And then what?”

“He actually suggested treating people to help suppress their reptilian inadequacy.”

“With drugs?”

“Not exactly. The neurochemistry of neurotransmitters and neurodrugs wasn’t really available to him then – best to ‘hear’ him for yourself. Here’s some quotes from Janus:


…the most important date in the history and prehistory of the human race … 6 August 1945. …mankind … [now has] to live with the prospect of its extinction as a species.

…The most striking indication of the pathology of our species is the contrast between its unique technological achievements and its equally unique incompetence in the conduct of its social affairs. … Russian roulette is a game which cannot be played for long.

homo sapiens is not a reasonable being. … an aberrant biological species.

… the trouble with our species is not an excess of aggression, but an excess capacity for fanatical devotion. … Man’s deadliest weapon is language…susceptible to being hypnotized by slogans… Without words there would be no poetry – and no war.

…we are concerned with a cure for the paranoid streak in what we call ‘normal people’ … to reinforce man’s critical faculties, counteract misplaced devotion and that militant enthusiasm, both murderous and suicidal, which is reflected … daily.

…society … must be immunized against the hypnotic effects of propaganda and thought-control….It can only be done by ‘tampering’ with human nature itself to correct its endemic schizophysiological disposition. History tells us that nothing less will do.

…we are a mentally sick race, and as such deaf to persuasion. … Nature has let us down. God seems to have left the receiver off the hook, and time is running out. [We need] to concoct elixir vitae, … the transformation of homo maniacus into homo sapiens.


Homo maniacus – I like that,” Peter smiled. “Sounds like Trump and Cruz to me.”

“I like ‘must be immunized against’ and ‘elixir vitae’,” Lucien added. “Sounds like Ananda’s Chocolate to me!”

“Can I borrow Janus? I can look at it over the weekend and return it to you in Portland.” Peter said.

“Sure. I’ll do more homework on Koestler. For now look at his Wikipedia entry. I’m surprised I hadn’t heard of his work and writings much earlier.”

“He really belongs in State Change – maybe your next book?” Lucien asked.

“For sure,” I said.

Reading Between the Lines – Creatively

Jay, Bill, and I were at the Roasting Company – a pleasant first of July day. We had agreed to each review some stories in the local and national papers.


“You go first,” I said to Bill.

“My big news is, of course, the Dalai Lama in Salt Lake City.”

“You’ve known him for some time, haven’t you?”

“For some 20 years. He talked at the Huntsman Center on campus. You could have heard a pin drop,” Bill said, smiling. “He promoted positivity, among other things.”

“And he’s threatening to not appoint a successor?” Jay asked.

“Yes and no,” Bill answered. “He’s dealing with the crazy Chinese government, who insist on ‘approving’ any new Dalai Lama. He also said some interesting things about reincarnation – or not.”


“You go next, Jay,” I said.

“I’ll do the Mike Lee – Donald Trump games.”

“You mean ‘loathsome Lee’, according to his new demo opponent, Misty Snow?” Bill asked.

“Loathsome isn’t a new descriptor for Mike,” Jay countered. “Mike and wife Sharon are on the GOP Rules Committee and are going to the convention.”

“So?” I asked.

“So, he’s said he sees no need to change the rules – he’ll be a good boy even though Trump insulted his ‘best friend’ Cruz.”

“So?” Bill asked. “Why so good?”

“Hey, read between the lines,” Jay smiled. “Trump’s a bit too liberal for the base – for the Cruz, Lee tea party – Freedom Caucus crowd, right?”

“Right!” Bill said. “So Lee could be VP – and bring all the hard right ideologues with him.”

“Bingo,” Jay said.

“Did you see the piece about Romney saying his family is encouraging him to run?”

“Oh, yes. A sacrificial Independent run, so Trump-averse Utah Republicans don’t have to vote for Hillary.”

“Another Rubio. I say 10,000 times I won’t run. ..Oops, maybe I better – for the good of the state, the country, the party.”

“They’re all hypocrites. Or is it the revelation syndrome? Anyway, your turn,” Jay said, looking at me.


“I’ll do local. The U carbon divestment campaign.”

“Yea – the President said no divestment, so they can get continuing support from … the fossil fuel industry,” Bill read from the Salt Lake Tribune.

“At least they’re honest about their motives,” Jay added. “Nothing about leadership, education, morals, values.”

“Bingo,” I said. “But he did say climate change is one of the most pressing and difficult issues of our time.”

“And implied that his leaderless U can’t do anything about it?” Bill said.

“Where have all the cojones gone?” Jay smiled.

“They’re not in the U Administration,” I said. “They squandered a unique opportunity – the Faculty Senate handed them two very reasonable, serious, well researched recommendations – which they largely ignored. What a cop out.”

“Welcome to Utah,” Jay smiled.


Author Fake Interview – Book Review

Book Review Press Release (for immediate release)

State Change – A Chemical Fantasy

By Joe Andrade

491 pp. Andrade Self-Publishing

Free at

An ‘interview’ with the author:


Academic Activist Advocates Illegal Politics


‘We cannot elect mental adolescents to public office,’ says Joe Andrade, author of a provocative new novel State Change – A Chemical Fantasy.

He corrects me: “It’s a semi-novel. Two thirds of it is fact.”

Andrade is a University of Utah retired engineering professor – now involved in local and national politics.

I ask – What do you mean by mental adolescents?

“I don’t want to disparage adolescents – they’re great, exciting kids. But they’re too young to be elected to political office.”

I’m confused: If they’re too young to run, how can they be elected?

Andrade looked annoyed. “They’re adults, so they ran, and we elected them. But they have the brain development of pre-adolescents. They need mental enhancement – treatment – to do their job.”

You mean education, I asked.

“That would help, but most never got a decent education. Most were brain-washed early by simple-minded, often highly religious, parents. So they became simple-minded adults – and we elected some of them, many of them, to high office.”

And, what is mental enhancement?

“Well, they won’t voluntarily submit to serious education – they can’t listen to anything except their own ideologies. They exist in echo chambers. So they have to be treated.”

I ask: And what is this ‘treatment’?

“You have to read the book,” Andrade said, smiling. “They need to have a revelation to break free of their ideological moorings – and begin to evolve to mental adulthood.”

Is that possible? Is it legitimate? I ask.

“It is possible – good chocolate helps. But it’s not ‘legitimate’. That’s why you titled this interview ‘… advocates illegal politics’.”

And who are these elected adults who are functioning as mental adolescents?

“There are hundreds, but we selected 29 special ones to treat – all politically powerful, mentally constrained adults. They are simplists.”

Wikipedia came to my rescue, saying simplism is the trait of oversimplifying things by ignoring complexity and complications. Didn’t Einstein say something about simplism?

“Einstein said ‘Science should be as simple as possible – but not simpler’ – but that applies to everything, not just to science.”

I was getting it. I asked: it’s looking at the world from the mental perspective of an eight year old, more or less?

“That’s it. It includes most of the Ayn Rand crowd, primitive Libertarians, Tea Party folks, and lots of Trump supporters.”

Can’t you be a bit more specific. Help me out!

“Only three women, evangelicals, are treated in State Change. We also treat 15 Congress members, several Supreme Court Justices – the ones that still live and work in the 19th century – a few Presidential Candidates, and some plutocrats – including the Brothers Koch.”

Do you treat Trump?

“He’s number 30 in the book, but we chose to not treat him.”

And why not?

“There’s nothing there to treat!” Andrade chuckled. “He’s so simple-minded we thought it would be a waste of effort – and our special chocolate.”


“Just read the book.”

Who is ‘we’?

“It’s me and five close friends. We call ourselves the harmless team. We selected the 29 and treated them all earlier this year and in late 2015.”

You treated them all – with chocolate? I asked. He looked at me annoyingly, again.

“One of them is a phenomenal organic chemist. Just read the book. It’s free, on line, easy to read.”

Why is it free?

“Well, most of the 29 ideologues we treat would love to get back at me. If it’s free they can’t argue that I’m benefiting from exposing their mental incapacities.”

Interesting. Will you talk or argue with our readers? How can they contact you?

“By going to . They can read the book there, download it, and see the Chosen 29 (and their Twitter addresses). They can also ask questions there as well.”

Is there a real book – I mean a printed version?

“I had a few copies printed – for reviewers and interviewers. You can have one, if you like.”

Is the book very long?

“No, but this interview is now too long. I’m 75 – and need a bathroom. Just read the book!”

And Mr. Andrade excused himself and left the room, looking for a bathroom.

I’m reading the book. It is interesting.



Salt Lake City

June 16, 2016

for immediate release











Why the Increase in MDMA ‘Problems’?

I was on the phone with Lucien and Peter, who were at a coffee shop in Portland.

“My Google Alert on ‘Ecstasy’ shows more issues, problems with street Ecstasy,” Peter reported.

“Yes, I’ve also seen some reports on more ER admissions and even deaths,” Lucien added.

“I’ve seen them, too,” I said.

“The Chinese?” Peter asked.

“Have you been listening to Trump? The Chinese aren’t responsible for everything, but they are connected.”

“So you’ve dome some homework?” Lucien asked.

“Yes. I came across a UK psychopharmacologist, a Valerie Curran with University College, London. She was on the BBC recently warning users about high dose Ecstasy.”

“And?” Peter asked.

“Patience!” I said. “She was almost immediately criticized, even vilified, by the drug control crowd for advising users to cut current pills in half, because street pills in UK and rest of Europe may now have 200 mg or more of pure MDMA.”

“That doesn’t make sense,” Peter said. “Why would dealers use excess drug?”

“Good question. Apparently there’s a new precursor readily available – from China, of course – that makes it easier and cheaper to produce MDMA. So there’s now sort of a competition to produce, provide more potent pills.”


“It may be a macho thing – kind of a pissing contest between producers or dealers?” Lucien asked.

“That’s been suggested. But there’s probably another – a better – reason.”

“Go on,” Peter said.

“In some European countries the possession of a pill or two is often ignored. So if you’re a small scale user – or dealer – you can have just a few pills on you which can supply many normal doses – you just break up the pill.”

“But if you don’t know – or you’re already partly stoned?…”

“Right – if you take the full pill, which can be 200 or even 300 or more mg, then you have a serious overdose.”

“Especially if you’re a woman, small, or have a bad liver.”

“Yep. This has all hit the media,” I continued, “because the 2016 Global Drug Survey was just released – I’ll send you the link, but here’s a short summary:

2016 is the worst time to be using MDMA in a generation: Increase in use of both MDMA and cocaine over the last 3 years. Concerns over high dose MDMA pills leading to increased risk of acute harm. 4-fold increase in British female clubbers seeking emergency medical treatment in last 3 years. Women 2-3 times more likely to seek emergency treatment than men. UK users take more MDMA in a night than anyone else (almost half a gram). Most people use less than 10 times per year. Less is more (more fun with less MDMA).”

“Has the recommended or optimum dose changed?” Peter asked.

“Not really,” I answered, “although Adam Winstock, who does the Global Drug Survey, has suggested that 80 mg may be the optimum dose for ‘the pleasurable effects of energy, euphoria and empathy.’ So Ananda’s 100 mg is still appropriate for our ex-patients.”

“If only we’d known about the Chinese precursor – the new synthesis approach – Tom could have made much more. There are so many needy patients,” Lucien said.

“We each still have a small personal stock,” I said. “Dispense it wisely.”

We then changed the subject – and discussed our collective plans for the family 2016 Oregon coast reunion.


Mia Love Learns about Climate Change

Back to Coffee Noir – this time only Bill and I. Jay was on a Southern Utah gig.

“She really did listen to four guys all discuss climate change and the need for immediate action?” Bill asked.

“Yes, she did,” I said. “And all four strongly recommended a carbon tax – now.”

“Isn’t she anti all taxes and fees?”

“Yes. She did rattle off, in response to some questions, the standard tea party free market-creativity-innovation gospel she’s so used to saying, but she did have to listen to four excellent speakers with a largely consistent message.”

“This was at a Town Hall meeting for her District 4 constituents, right?” Bill asked.

“Yes – earlier this week. I’m in her District, even though I ran in 2 back in 2012.”

“You mentioned there was an electric car guy on the panel?”

“Actually an electric truck guy – with Via Motors and Nikola Motors. Both companies are new – and were new news to me.”

“Nikola as in Tesla, I assume?”

“Yep. One good surprise was a guy with conservative, Libertarian credentials. He’d been high up in the Cato Institute for over 20 years. But he’d had a recent revelation!”

“Without Ananda’s help?” Bill smiled. “But maybe Mia was somewhat receptive due to her earlier Ananda Chocolates experience?”

“Possibly. She was at Mike Lee’s Christmas Party at the State Capitol – I was pretty liberal with Ananda’s goodies there. Mia got some for sure – and perhaps actually took one or more.”

“Cool. And what about this Libertarian with a revelation?”

“His name is Jerry Taylor; he’s for getting fossil fuels out of the economy quickly, but not via government regulation. He wants the free market unleashed, but empowered by a carbon tax.”

“Interesting angle,” Bill said.

“Yes, but USU’s Davies held firm – he said we need it all. The situation is so urgent we need strong regulation, a strong carbon tax-empowered free market, and lots of Federal, State, and local leadership.”

“And he had incredible slides, didn’t he?” Bill asked.

“Yes, as usual. He gives a great talk. So Congresswoman Mia heard it all.”

“Did you thank her with some chocolates?”

“No, but I did give Heinberg’s Post Carbon Institute book:  ENERGY: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth, to her office manager. Hopefully she’ll see it -it’s a huge book.”

“I understand the District 4 Citizens’ Climate Lobby folks have been communicating with her and her staff. I’m sure they’ll continue.”

“For sure,” I said. “They’re already following up.”

Coal Reality Anxiety Evil Witches

More coffee talk – this time in the cafe at The Leonardo.

“You made it to the BLM coal lease moratorium hearing?” Bill asked.

“Yes – over 500 people – standing room only,” I answered.

“And most of them were yellow t-shirted miners from Utah’s coal country,” Jay added.

“Yes, miners, drivers, family, local business people. The mining-impacted communities were well represented.”

“The picture I saw in the paper had some 400 or so of the total in yellow t-shirts.”

“That’s about right,” I said. “And perhaps 2/3 of the over 100 three minute talks were to release the moratorium on coal leases – and to blame Obama, Interior, and the BLM for their ‘war on coal’.”

“The Governor and his team – and the Congressmen – still don’t realize that the entire fossil fuel economy is changing,” Bill said. “Rather than do anything to help those impacted by the change, they look for excuses and scapegoats.”

“They look for – and invent – witches,” Jay said. “And their patriarchal, self-righteous, arrogant attitude convinces those impacted miners to also seek witches: Obama, Sally Jewel.”

“All that patriarchy breeds arrogance, which fuels ignorance – and denial,” I said.

“That sounds like a great title for an op-ed,” Bill said, smiling.

“I think I’d add EVIL to the title. Their ignorance and denial really does make them evil, in my estimation. They sit there collecting their salaries and donations, and the poor miners and drivers in Central and Eastern Utah become more afflicted with anxiety, fear – even depression.”

“That makes them – the Governor, Legislature, Congressional do-nothing delegation – evil in my book.”

“Mine, too,” Bill concluded.